Kuching Transport System - MAJOR Fail?
Its not everyday that you can hear me ranting about something, but this is just ridiculous!
Everybody knows, a good foundation to a place like Malaysia, where tourism is infact a noticable income for the state, is TRANSPORTATION.
Besides taxi's, bus's are the next damn thing an average or poor income citizens most affordable transportation. How can it be? When me and my fellow victim of Kuchings TERRIBLE transport system had to wait more than an FUCKING hour for a bus. (which in the end, we fucked it instead)
Many of you may not have noticed it because of your EASE of transport. But not average joe's like me and my victimised friend.
I am personaly soo FUCKED up at the state it is going.
I remember when me and my family won a trip to Austrailia, bus stops were so advance till they had a timer on the COMFORTABLE bus stops, unlike the ones we have, which are
Fuck what they say about "increasing transportation services",
Fuck what they say about "use public transports"
Fuck it is all a lie.
You may say we are unlucky, maybe the bus just left? maybe this, maybe that.
But does an interval from ONE BUS TO ANOTHER, TAKE MORE THAN AN HOUR!?!?!?!
In the end of course, we missed what we wanna do in the 1st place.