happy birthday Slyvester~
happy birthday Zong hong...
happy birthday yih sieng -.-
ooh yeah yeah yeaah~
Steal some covers share some skin
Exams are OVER
Holidays....are HERE
but sadly...this aint gna be no enjoy-holiday..
this holiday is gna be the time for me to pia for major exams liawss..
like mok said "if this holiday piu diao...dunid go test liawss"
so yeah..gna plan my time dead shitingly..
my FIRST day of recess is finally here...
what a bitter-sweet feelin'...
i so wanna go, bt yet so glad i have some free time for once..
woke up wit the sun in my face..
and textin a certain penang hottie xD
then slack around enjoyin the holidays...
then went to GG at jln song wit frnds...
saw a poor lil cat on the way there...
it was in the drain on top of some trash in the mid of the flow..
haihhs...even when im recessed, im still a scout :DD...
scout law #6: helping the lil critters out...
so i jumped down the deep longkang...
picked the kitten up, and pulled myself outta the ditch...
i felt pretty great knwing i saved a young life :D...
then it purred around my legs and followed me all the way till GG lols.
when was there....
lost both matches zzz -.-...
most amusing person in life...
slyvester lau...my old pri sch buddy...
swears 50 times in a miniute...
fucking funny xDD...
den after all that, felt a lil hungry, so went to the bakery to buy somethin to eat...
i used the wrong way and met stephanie AHMA! there xP..
she just finished her tution lawls...
then after all that, went home..
bathed...changed...and poof~ off we go to the kuching festival!!
went to get my bro 1st and changed and boom...we're there xP..
there was soooo many...
and MANY people there!!!
we litteraly had to bump arnd ppl to go anywhr...
saw nelson, ian, melissa, ah ma, and a few girls that i dont remember there 1st...
den went to find hoong yeee and aaron n hsuan phin and who liaw there...
saw sooooo many familiar faces xDD
den went walk arnd wit hoong yeee while waiting for ben lu, hieng n mok...
saw even MORE people..
shirleen's gang....wilson's(lim) gang...too much more to list out..
all saw me only and thought i came here ALONE -.- xDD..
called ben and told me he is on the way...
when he really is at jln song's 7-11...xDD asshole! :D..
den wen we finally met up, den thats when it started :D..
i kept smiling the whole night long
and we started lo-xiaoin' non stop. xDD..
den saw san hua...
this was his convo wit a stranger dat called a rong num..
San hua: halo?
unknown: oi brian!! where are u liaw?
San hua: i am not brian...
unknwn: wei brian, dun play liaw..come to the garden show liaw...i keep miss call jasper he din pick up one!
san hua: wei, i am REALLY not brian!..
unkwn: OK!! u come garden show and lemme see ur face
lols san hua didnt hiu her and still called her again kok...
ask to really meet up but saw no one xDD
den when we're at the garden show, we saw a lovely couple together dere xPP...
walking out frm the garden show..
the garden show was fucking crowded and we din go in...YET.
den we finnaly got hungry and went to buy food arnd the plce..
saw a pretty decent lookin stall, wit a very lustious aroma commin out!!!
we all rushed over and we were the only ones there...i wonder WHY..
then after buying...we found seats and took a bite of our food...
"maicibai!!" "wat the fuck" was wat came out next...
the food was VEGETERIAN!!! ARGHHH!!!
bt my bro seemed to like it..
fuck...so we stuffed ourselves and went to get some real meat :D...
i got sio bee...some got thai sausages lols..
i got sio bee...some got thai sausages lols..
den yih sieng chia us all icecream coness! thanks~...
den me n mok went and tried FRIED ICE CREAM :D...
it was just...so-so?...nth special..
at rm1.70 a piece..jz a hot crispy exterior and a HARD icecream interior -.-...
then we finally went to the garden show!!
still very crowded..so we jz shoved our way in..wit san hua n ben missin..
i took a few pics wit my FUCKED up camerafone.
pretty colors and water sprayin thingy~
deco's on the garden show.
nth special...and we went to playground to play :DD..
it was filled wit lil kids so we went to the darker playground..
with grown up kids runnin up n down...zzz..
so we climbed up a thingy and we sat there...admiring the cool air high up xD..
den we played there xDD..
there was this particular guy dat tot was funny to put his feet arnd my waist when i was climbing over the tunnel...
i fucking took of his shoes n threw it away...i got up n towered over him...
hehe...he knew he cant win and walked away :D
den ben called and we went over the kiddy playground...
den we played wit the monkey bar slide thingy :DD...
we scared all the kids away xDDD..
it was soooo fun :DD...only jeremy n mok dared to play nia :DD...
ben was too matured~..
we're a lil too old for this xDDD
the dark knight: wilson mok :D!
den after awhile...
got bored and went back to the fest...
den bot a lil stg den
i dont know why...but this looks like jay chou's TUI HOU mv :DD
wit hebe hii at the background sellin drinks xD
so does this...GRRR!!!
den after all that...finaly dad came so me n my bro walked over to the pool and
we're home ;D....
all in all...happiest night of my LIFE xDD..
i lurvv this carefree life~..