Exams..exams.... exams...
cant believe its here once again...
and once again...im totally unprepared...
bt yet...i feel confident...
guess just paying attention in class..
and having a lil confidence is all you really need...
anyways...didnt update the blog for the past few days was cuz i was LAZY..
i admited ;D..
woke up to a very gloomy sky todae....
then for this ringkas exams...im gonna bring my fone wit me..
be it to take pics or to cheat a lil heh xP...
WHY must it ALWAYS be during exams time
dat my phone gets BARRED!!!
god i swear its a curse...
so cant sms other classes for answers..
but i dont think i should be doin these kinda shit no more...
PMR is almost here...gotta see where's ma standard...
so ima reduce cheating to an all time low...
and rely on MYSELF!
aiming for 1st place agains..
well it aint MUCH but...aint hard either -.-..
Got a lil bored when everyone was rushing las minute books
so i took out my fone while puan ting was dosing off herself
*cant blame her xP the weather was so cooling today* xDD
and snapped a few pics of the class..
Wong Bing Nan, the dude sittin behind me, givin me da mlm.
the dude that helped me out TONNES with my BC, as in last minute studying. major props to him ^^..
recap of the papers ive taken:
BC II: i THINK i can get more than i ussualy do xP
BM II: same with BC...
BI II: Shouldnt pose a problem.
BC I: damn i cheated the hell outta this...didnt understand a word of that crapped up "wen yuan wen"
ow yeahhh...may be watching the opening ceremony for the OLYMPICS 0'8
at 08/08/08 on 08:08PM!!! damn i lurv these chinnese for pickin an awesome date..
*and also secretly praying that the earthquake shit aint thru..if it is...damn, god bless us all*