Day 2. Destination. Taiwan.
Woke up at 6am on that day, even as early as it seem, the morning sun is already falling smoothly on my face as I thought. Im in taiwan.
After freshening up, I went to the lobby where we have our breakfast. But noooo~. Practicaly NOBODY in my tour group was that on time like me! I owe it all to Scouting! So as I waited for breakfast buffet to start, I went strolling on the nearby shops.
The morning wind is a lil chilly, and it is sooo sothening. If I had the chance, or if the conditions are right. Id would love to move and live here. The scene is exactly like you'd see in them Taiwanese drama's or Ou xiang ju!
Today's schedule was to go to the YehLiu GeoPark to facinate upon the wonderful wave-eroded rocks. In other words. Im going to see rocks today.
After an hour and a half of bus rides, we're there!!!
We werre briefed on the history of the rocks and how they're formed. Well i learnt this in the textbooks already. But never had i touched these rocks.
The tourguide went on and on about the place, while I was busying cuddling myself. A taiwanese local saw me without a jacket but in clothes that I bought in a Bodyglove shirt that I bought sectioned at SUMMER. He gave me a thumbs-up and praised my resistance to cold. LOL!
We walked for about an estimated 10 minutes before we reached the shore. From afar I could already see the mesmerising view!
We walked around the shore for awhile. All the tourist in my group were like they never saw rocks before and kept tooking pictures of it....and I was no exception.
This is the Famous "Mermaids Head" as they call it. When i first laid eyes on it, I was like "thats the most fucked up mermaid I ever saw on my life" But then again, erosion of the waves does that to you.
An olden compass come speedometer. 50 years ago, they used angle
and time to measure the boats speed. Kicked malaysia's ass real bad,
as Malaysia was just starting independence then.
After 30 minutes of rock hugging, we're ushered to a market-like souveinier shop. And I saw this....
Taiwan at its best. Geneticaly fucking fruits.