I loooooooove ME-times.
During these personal times, I always get a chance to know more happenings around me,
for instance this:
I was going out with my mom and bro to THE SPRING~
I was going out with my mom and bro to THE SPRING~
who're gonna go get some glasses.
but since i have near perfect vision, i just tagged along
cause i dun wanna rot at home.
When i arrived there I was walking aimlessly up and down,
checking on the small stalls, seein their cute stuff..
and seeing the PEOPLE too heh!
met a few people there...
saw shirleen siaw at the winter department too.
told me she was goin to CHINA, bcom a zhong guo mei or stg.
but nothing prepared me more enough to see this xD!
heh, for all em aftnn session guys and gals may nt be familiar with her,
but she's the one that sometimes lead spotchecks and haircuts.
but she is the ONLY teacher that understands that my hair
THANK YOU, i salute thee.
sorry for the stupidly blur pictures tho, had to SNEAK a photo.
had ta act like i was msging (hence the angle)
you dont go up to ur H.E.M. and take a picture with her
like she's ur friend. NO! xD
i did say HI tho :D!
after scoring some pictures, i went to a department that i strangely..
never visited before, the Nokia phone depart.
this shops looks pretty pimped,
with all em new phones on display,
and ALSO they strap it on something and let customers
interact with the phone on their own
looks and feels awesome, very cool interface.
but a lil weighty and bulky in my opinion though.
mayb its cause i use slim phones all the while o.o.
lemme meet khadi