Monday, August 4, 2008

Bandi Together 0'8 festival

this is a post about yesterday.
First thing when i woke up and notice this morning
was my dad's car was gone and bro gone...
dad bae song me do scout skipped BP day instead..
INSTEAD! went for the soundcheck at boulevard that day ^^
was a lil excited....
so i bathed, got ready, put on my "shit happens" tee den went
to boulevard at 2pm..

when i arrived there see sen was edi dere so
i went inside to find him...
and of course, it wouldnt be me if i aint ulu,
cz this is the FIRST TIME i went to boulevard for casual purposes xD..
and noticed dat boulevard is much more dua ki den the Spring...

i saw him and coincidentily,
he was wearing a shirt with a swear word on it too!!
he's "fucking" and im "shit" xDDD
den went to see the stage, carry equipment down and alls...
damn i wish i was famous, den i'd have crewman doing this for me...xPP

went to see the stage and it was HUGE!
"State of the art" distortion paddles.

its equiped with soooo many big ass amps and so many distortion aint INTERNATIONAL level, bt its awesome enuff for me!
damn, THIS is what i call a real stage!!!

unlike the school ones....that one kak su lorr...
den was informed that the sound check starts at 4pm...
woahh...we came a lil too early...

den so we walked around boulevard lo...

wit see sen as kinteo as ever...den at 4 stg we went back...

played the songs we planned...

den after adjusting the volume of the bass, guitar drums n etc etc...

the guy in charge asked us...

whether if we can make a surprise performance on 7pm that NIGHT..
dammn xDDD..
all of us were SOOO happy!!
our first gig!!! woo!!
and happily agreed...
songs for the night was
1) Heaven Atavan (Seven Minutes In Heaven) - FOB
2) Our time now - Plain white Ts

these 2...
den after all the excitement, followed see sen's car
back to his place and prepared n had dinner there...
den a few more rush practises
and see sen gave me a bass solo dat we were gona play as intro...
damn kinteo bt so happy at the same time xDD
we were given oni 3 hrs to prepare!!!
FIRST time we had such a sudden gig xDD..

so we went over to boulevard at arnd 7pm..
and received a few good luck wishes messages from loves...
den saw a band sound checking...

damn they were good...
with 3 guitarist and a bassist n drummers...

damn they sounded nice...



then the jamming session for the night started :]..
with us being the second band,
a few ppl couldnt make it as it was too sudden,
bt ur support will be forever appreciated ^^
den suddenly...

Jerry, a 6'3ft asian guy, with huge arms, strong built, and a very deep n cool voice came in..
the first impression he gave me was he is
the asian version of stone cold steve austin xDD..
he came in, told us he was the stage manager
and said that we nida prolong our performance as the band after us aint here yet..
we were like "wtf!?!"
lakia band -.-..
den we added one more song...
our competition song ...owh well...

Shut Up - Simple Plan...

we tried prolonging my bass solo, one more song bt still...
he said it aint enuff...
so he OFFERED to be a temporary member for us xDD
singing a chinnese song while he play the song xDD!
it was COMPLETELY impromptu...
dang...i really respect that man...
how often u see a guy that is confident enuff to say
"throw me a guitar, ill sing right NOW."
so we all agreed and he sang an old chinnese song :DD

then after the 1st band,
and after replying my last thank you to lesley,
i went on stage n did wat we came here to do xD...

Jerry :]]...I ENVY THIS MAN!!

so after playing our songs, the crowd wants ONE more song...
i was frozen solid, as one more song our band knew was

I Dont Love You by MCR...

so after awhile of thinking, we agreed agens...
the results of the song aint good!!! =((
sounded like guessed nobody knew dat hehehe xP..
after everythin, came down the stage n jz jumped around backstage xD...
we all had a great time up there n enjoyed it all..
den after a series of missing tuners and cables, we finaly packed and got down...
took a few pics with some unknown people...
and see sen's sis bot 100+ for me xPP

also, took a few pics with my cacated camerafone:

We're the e-Clipse..dont ask why..i aint that clear myself

from left, vocalist: rueben, guitarist:jian hao, bassist: yours truly, drummer: see sen

wanna thank boulevard and astro and watever thingies that maade this possible.